FUDOKAN KARATE UK – Dojo Etiquette
The Dojo is not just a place to train but also a sacred space. Every time you enter or leave, stop at the door, face inward, bow, and say OSS! loudly. This gesture shows your respect and gratitude towards the Dojo and its members.
Greetings and Respect
- If the training has not yet started, after entering, approach everyone with a higher belt rank than yours, bow, and say OSS! loudly. Start with the highest-ranked person.
- If you are already inside and someone of a higher rank enters, wait until they have finished their greetings before greeting them yourself.
- If a black belt holder or the coach enters the Dojo, the highest-ranked student must lead the greeting with the command: SENPAI / SENSEI / SHIHAN NI REI!
Showing Respect
- In a standing position: Musubi-dachi stance / slight bow / maintain eye contact in the direction of respect / accompanied by the word OSS!
- In a seated position: Japanese sitting posture (Seiza) – sitting on your heels with the left foot underneath. Hands rest on your thighs, palms facing downward, shoulders relaxed, and back straight.
Entering the Dojo: Leave your slippers at the door and show your respect with a bow.
Behaviour in the Dojo
- No sparring or fighting practice is allowed without the presence of the coach!
- Students must practice individually and in silence until the training begins.
- If someone arrives late, they must kneel in Seiza position after showing respect to the room. They must wait for the coach’s permission before joining the training. Another bow in Seiza position follows before participating. Upon leaving, a final bow is also mandatory.
- Maintaining a clean, safe, and orderly Dojo environment is everyone’s responsibility.
Prohibited Behaviour in the Dojo
❌ Shouting, running, or playing tag
❌ Eating, drinking, chewing gum
❌ Smoking or swearing
❌ Any inappropriate behaviour
Appearance and Attire
- Karate students must wear a Karate-gi.
- The uniform must be clean, properly worn, and the belt knot tied correctly.
- Only the manufacturer’s or the club’s logo is permitted on the Karate-gi.
- No visible clothing is allowed under the Karate-gi, except for a white undershirt for female students.
- No unsafe objects, such as watches, rings, bracelets, necklaces, etc., are allowed during training.
- Fingernails must be short and clean.
Training Order and Discipline
- At the start of each session, students must line up in rank order, with the highest rank on the coach’s left side.
- Upon command, students kneel into Seiza (left knee touches the ground first) and proceed with Mokuso (spiritual concentration) with closed eyes.
- At the command Mokuso-yame, concentration ends, and upon the command Rei, the highest-ranked student leads the bow.
- Students must follow all commands without question and may only ask or comment after the training session ends.
- Students may only leave the Dojo with the coach’s permission.
Parents and Visitors
Parents or other visitors may only stay in the Dojo with the coach’s approval.